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Getting started

This page will walk you through how to design, display, and animate a basic 3D model with ZFlutter.

Table of contents

  1. Add to project
  2. Initial static demo
  3. Translate, Rotate and Scale
  4. Zoom
  5. Animate
  6. Drag rotate
  7. ZToBoxAdapter

Add to project

Add zflutter to your package’s pubspec.yaml file:

  zflutter: //Add last version

And install it with

$ flutter pub get

Initial static demo

Let’s jump in with a basic non-animated demo.

  home: ZIllustration(
    child: ZCircle(    
      diameter: 80,
      stroke: 20,
      color: Color(0xFFCC2255),

Let’s break it down. The Zflutter API mostly consists by nesting ZWidgets.

ZIllustration is the top-level class that handles the pseudo 3D-engine, holding all the shapes in the scene, and displaying those shapes.

ZCircle is a shape widget. We add it as a child of ZIllustration and we set other properties for the circle to set its size, shape, and color: diameter: 80, stroke: 20, color: Color(0xFFCC2255).

And we get … a 80px wide purple circle. Exciting!

Translate, Rotate and Scale

To transform a ZWidget in a three dimension we use ZPositioned widget.

  children: [
        translate: ZVector.only(x: 20),
        rotate: ZVector.only(x: pi/4),
        scale: ZVector.all(1.1),
        child: ZCircle(
          diameter: 80,
          stroke: 20,
          color: Color(0xFFCC2255),

ZPositioned transforms his child in this order, first is scale its points, then rotate them and finally translate them.

The constant tau it represents one round and equals to 2 * pi. So if you want to rotate a quarter of round you can use tau/8

It is posible to use nested ZPositioned and they will be combined.

    children: [
        translate: ZVector.only(x: 20),
        child: ZPositioned(
          rotate: ZVector.only(y:pi/4),
          scale: ZVector.all(1.1),
          child: ZCircle(
            diameter: 80,
            stroke: 20,
            color: Color(0xFFCC2255),


Setting zoom will scale the whole scene proportionally. This helps to make the calculation numbers smaller and to make it responsive to different screen sizes. Notice while zoom will scale all proportionally, the ZPositioned scale vector will transform the path commands but won’t affect to the stroke of the paths.

  zoom: 4,
  children: [
      diameter: 80,
      stroke: 20,
      color: Color(0xFFCC2255),


Animations are driven by Flutter animation. There is different ways to animate a widget. In this example we will be passing an Animation variable to an AnimatedBuilder widget

    animation: animation,
    builder: (context, _ ) {
      // Change the widgets according to the animation
      return ZIllustration(
        children: [
            diameter: 80,
            stroke: 20,
            color: Color(0xFFCC2255),

Drag rotate

You can use a custom GestureDetector or ZDragDetector, a widget that calculates rotation according to the drag offset

  builder: (context, controller) {
    return ZIllustration(
      children: [
          rotate: controller.rotate,
          child: ZCircle(
            diameter: 80,
            stroke: 20,
            color: Color(0xFFCC2255),


ZToBoxAdapter lets you add any widget to your 3D playground. height and a width are required.

    children: [
        height: 80,
        width: 80,
        child: Container(
          color: Color(0xFFCC2255),

To learn more on how to model your 3D object go to next section
